New Zealand

Sunny and 75.

I had a dream last night where I happened to be happy as a clam on a beach with a frozen drink in hand. Fun fact, I’m fairly certain I only dream about warmer weather and never about the cold. Maybe because I am such a summer girl? Who knows. I digress. I woke up this morning and considered going for an early morning run outside. TWENTY THREE degrees. No thank you. Now, I am sitting in bed trying to find the motivation to get to the gym. Walking outside sounds absolutely awful right about now and I’m thinking my day is going to be spent trying my new Victorias Secret self tanner and playing with makeup. I also have to paint my nails and cut them because they are super long.

I have recently started watching makeup channels on youtube and I am obsessed. I have started watching them and then the next thing I know it has been two hours! Seriously, Shan? Speaking of which, one of my favorite youtubers is named Shannon! She’s from New Zealand and I want to be her friend. Find her videos here. I would actually really love to move to Australia or New Zealand for a year or two and experience life there. I have lots of money to save before that can happen but I am determined to make it happen nonetheless. Makeup tutorials have also taught me how much I love makeup and I would love to be a makeup artist for fun. It would be amazing to do freelance events and such.

I don’t think this post had a purpose it is just another window into the thoughts that speed through my head at any given minute. I have the attention span of a goldfish. Oh well. Have a lovely day!